ARGENTUM CORP. 1-305-470-1218 United States.

Business name: ARGENTUM CORP.
Country: United States
Contact name: Emiliano Lagos
Address: 8115 NW 29TH STREET MIAMI 33122
Web Address:
Business category: Leather Raw
Email Address:
Phone number: 1-305-470-1218
Fax number: 1-305-470-1219
Business description: Lagomarsino who is currently represented in United States by Argentum Corp. has been established since 1891. The largest production industry in South America. We offer stocks of sheepskin, ostrich skins & cowhide, we also supply any leather skin.

You are more then welcome to contact us with your enquiries. you will be pleasantly surprised with our quality and very competitive prices.
Contact us now for more Information.Leather Raw raw leather raw skins sheep skin ostrich usa