Canbar Inc 519 648 2278 Canada.

Business name: Canbar Inc
Country: Canada
Contact name: Terry Stinson
Address: 250 Woolwich St S, Breslau Ontario N0B1M0
Web Address:
Business category: Leather Machinery
Email Address:
Phone number: 519 648 2278
Fax number: 519 648 2001
Business description: Canbar is a long established manufacturer and supplier of a full line of wet end beam house hide processing equipment – inclined processors to 17,500 kg capacity for salting, liming, tanning, fibreglass drums for liming, tanning, colouring. Our equipment is installed worldwide. Many of our drums and inclined processors have been running in tanneries for over 30 years. You can not find tougher more dependable equipment designed for the tannery environment.