Luxe (Thailand) Ltd 662 254 3438 Thailand.

Business name: Luxe (Thailand) Ltd
Country: Thailand
Contact name: Stephen Bennett
Address: Thailand –
Web Address:
Business category: Leather goods Mfc
Email Address:
Phone number: 662 254 3438
Fax number: 662 254 3439
Business description: We run a company in Thailand which is producing picture frames, boxes, home accessories, etc., in crocodile. Croc from Thailand cannot be imported into the US, one of our biggest markets. As such we are looking for an alternative supplier. An agent here in Thailand has suggested Nile croc. As an Australian myself, I would prefer to use Australian croc, which I am told can be imported into the US. We need a supplier of tanned skins, and if possible in a full range of colourways.