Appalachian Stitching Company, LLC 603-444-4422 United States.

Business name: Appalachian Stitching Company, LLC
Country: United States
Contact name: Scott Manning
Address: 1565 Meadow Street NH 03561
Web Address:
Business category: Leather goods Mfc
Email Address:
Phone number: 603-444-4422
Fax number: 603-444-7766
Business description: Appalachian Stitching Company, LLC (ASC)is a well respected U.S. manufacturer and producer of highly crafted sewn products governed by customer designs and specifications primarily composed of leather and simulated leather. ASC comprises one of the most experienced teams in the leather goods industry and is well known for providing expertise to its customers in the form of design,prototyping and promotional consulting. Look to ASC for contract manufacturing of corporate gifts, leather accessories and handbags for wholesalers and retailers, industrial cutting of washers, sheaths, suspender ends and belts,as well as upolstery and custom interior design products. In addition we offer on-site installations of custom leather applications and environments. Call Appalachian Stitching at 1-877-366-3223. [PM-24/9/02]