Business name: | Rockfort Leather Export Private Limited |
Country: | India |
Contact name: | N. Rathakrishnan |
Address: | Rockfort Leather Export Private Limited, Branch: 118/13 Ist Floor, Vepery High Road, Periamet, Chennai 600 003, INDIA Tamil Nadu 600 003 |
Web Address: | |
Business category: | Leather tannery |
Email Address: | |
Phone number: | 0091444869270 |
Fax number: | 0091444861108 |
Business description: | Experienced Tanners & exporters for more than 30 years. Reputed, known for quality goat suede, Glazedkid, Goatnappa and Goat lining for garments and shoes. Also known for sheepaniline and other sheepnappa for garments and sheep cabretta for shoes. Exporting to European and South-East Asian customers who are regularly repeating the orders.
We believe in business ethics, values& and longterm reltionship. |