posted 15-09-2001 21:40
Our company has been handling shark by-products for over 20 years. We used to export shark hides from Guatemala to a tannery in Yucatán, México, mostly from hammerhead sharks, but it closed operations.In view of expanding our shark meat processing capacity we will have availability of salted hides from sharks ranging in weight from 10 to 45 kgs.
Anyone interested be advised that the shark carcasses we will process are frozen, and to date we do not know if shark hides previously frozen can be used for tanning, since al we had exported to México were from freshly caught sharks.
Luis Prado
Oceanic Products Inc.
P.O. Box 6-5566, El Dorado
Panama, R. de P.
Phone (507) 229-4035, (507) 229-4034
Fax (507) 229-1064
Thank you.